Impact 2023 - Antonia Landi
Antonia Landi
Product Operations Consultant & Coach
About Antonia Landi

Antonia is a Product Operations Consultant and Coach, and one of the top voices in European Product Operations. She’s a firm believer in enabling product organisations to achieve Product Excellence with the power of Product Ops - whether as an independent function or a shared responsibility. 

A leader in her field, she’s on a constant mission to enable Product teams to do their best work by providing them with the tools, frameworks, and methodologies they need to succeed. She's a community person at heart and loves bringing people together, encouraging them and inspiring them to strive for excellence.

Antonia has written for publications like LeadDev, Mind the Product and Product-Led Alliance, and is a seasoned conference speaker and panellist.

Product Oops - Common mistakes in Product Operations and how you can avoid them
Product Management
product ops
product operations
product-led transformation
change management
product culture
Level: General
In schedule:
Impact Stage
October 5, 16:00 - 16:45 CET

In a world increasingly preoccupied with cost effectiveness, few of us have the luxury to work with dedicated Product Operations staff. However, all that work still needs to get done...Whether you're a product leader navigating the muddy waters post-layoffs, or whether you're an individual contributor just looking to make your own work a little easier - at some point you'll have to do some Ops wor...