I joined GitLab in mid-2019, back then the biggest all-remote company in the world. For four months, I was highly sceptical that one could do product right in an all-remote setting. Two more months later, the pandemic started, and everyone had to adjust. While the pandemic might be over, for many of you, one change it brought is a strong push towards being remote.
In this talk, I would like to share my learnings at GitLab on the core principles for running an effective remote product team. The goal is to discuss the significant difficulties and how a few well-designed foundations can help overcome them. I won't deny, in the end, running a remote company is a culture question. Still, applying these principles to your culture should help the product organization by fostering processes and interactions that implement product best practices in a remote setting.
Viktor joined GitLab, an all-remote company in the DevSecOps space, in 2019, before the outbreak of the pandemic. He is a seasoned product person who managed to adapt various product techniques to the remote nature of the XXI. century....